
Saturday, May 2, 2015

35 Food Enhancer Low Blood

     Food Enhancer Blood. Red blood cells or erythrocytes become an important component that acts as a dealer of oxygen to tissues throughout the body. The number of erythrocytes in the body should be balanced, should not be too much or less. Decreased red blood cells resulting in anemia or anemia or low blood.

     Low blood or anemia is a condition in which the red blood cell levels or oxygen and carbon dioxide binding protein (hemoglobin) were below the normal amount. The body will respond from this disorder, such as tired, pale, and dizziness after sitting too long.

     Anemia occurs due to deficiency of minerals such as iron, folic acid, and some vitamins such as A, B12, and C. The other causes of anemia such as excessive bleeding during menstruation, women are susceptible to anemia, especially not enough body stores iron.

     The easiest way to overcome anemia is to eat foods blood booster, can be of the vegetables, nuts, seafood, fruit, and much more. The following foods are very low blood booster effectively increases the number of red blood cells in the body.

Food Enhancer Blood

First, you can multiply the consumption of fruits that contain vitamin A, C, or B complex (especially B12). Any fruit blood booster in question?

1.  Orange
Famous citrus fruit with vitamin C. Vitamin can reproduce the red blood cells in the body, is very good for anemia. There are also other content in citrus such as fiber, folic acid, and antioxidants.

2.  Tomato
Tomatoes with two straight vitamins, Vitamin A and C. For who suffer from diabetes, try the daily consumption of tomatoes as much as 1-2.

3.  Mango
In mango stored as much as 60 mg of vitamin C, the nearly meet the needs of an adult's daily vitamin. Mango was fit to be bufavo anemia, in addition to restoring the condition of the body is also getting stronger because antioxidants act as immune system enhancer.

4.  Guava
The amount of vitamin C which helps increase the production of red blood cells in the fruit guava two times more than oranges, but rarely knows. This fruit can also treat dysentery, you can peep the full article properties of guava fruit.

5.   Apple
The benefits of apple one is to treat anemia, actually not really. But because high in vitamin C, apples be appropriate advice for people with less blood.

6.   Papaya
The fruit is known for its ability to smooth bowel movement, overcoming CHAPTER jams, and other gastrointestinal disorders. Actually, papaya fruit is also good for patients with anemia. Because this fruit contains two compounds that are needed by people with low blood, namely vitamin C and folic acid.

7.   Strawberries
Just like carrying two papaya fruit content required by the patient's body anemia, namely vitamin C and vitamin B9 (Folic acid). So, you should not hesitate to eat fruit that sometimes it feels a little wry this acid.

8.   Pitaya
According to the Chinese, the dragon fruit can give good luck and blessing. Although the fruit is not believed to be fully able to help people with anemia, but since become one of the sources of vitamins A fruit crowned fruit blood booster.

9.   Cane
Did not know the correct cane was included in the family of fruits or vegetables, or what? It does not matter what the cane of a clear, this plant became a favorite snack that is devoted to women anemia. From the research, the highest content in it is iron, which is why the cane belonging to the blood booster foods.

Other blood booster fruit:
Toothless gum
Sour sop
Mandarin Oranges

Furthermore, you can choose the blood booster foods derived from vegetables, of course, the same as the above fruits that contain essential nutrients required anemia. Anything?

24.  Cauliflower or Cauliflower
This greenish white vegetables easily purchased, commonly used as a salad vegetable to eat fish fry. The content of nutrients in it on par with broccoli, very good to regenerate red blood cells. There are also other content that is important as protein, calcium, calcium, niacin, and thamine.

25.   Sawi
Vegetables that contain chlorophyll (chlorophyll) is also needed by patients with anemia if you want to recover. You can try green cabbage or cabbage. In it not only contains vitamins A, B, and C are effective regeneration of hemoglobin, but also pocketed a lot of minerals such as magnesium, potassium, and potassium which is good for pregnant women.

26.  Spinach
These vegetables are also classified as green vegetables are good for people with pregnant women and patients with anemia. Women who before entering the menstrual phase it is better to eat spinach to reserve forming red blood cells until the time of menstruation arrives.

Do not eat spinach which passes through a 5 hour cooking process. Why? Because of the potential to be toxic due to the already interact with oxygen, though it was preserved in the refrigerator.

27.  Kale
Who does not love with this green vegetables? Many creations of vegetable dishes is simple but healthy. Investigate a investigate, because all parts of the greens, and the high iron content, making these vegetables into the blood booster vegetables recommended to eat those experiencing low blood.

28.   Leaf Datuk
Green plant is also efficacious as blood booster, as a source of iron and phosphorus are also very good for bone formation.
You might like to watch TV while eating a snack? If you know have problems with anemia, replace the usual snacks you eat the nuts have low blood booster.

29.   Green Beans
Adapted from the site Digest Online, green beans can deal with the problem of lack of blood because in it there is a lot of iron. Green beans can also take care of other health problems such as dermatitis, gastrointestinal, and neurological. Certainly more comfortable if the green beans eaten with bread.

But, if you read one article on the site, green beans can actually inhibit the absorption of iron because it constitutes a high phytate content. Actually, not only the green beans, the bean and cowpea were there. Therefore, the better you are looking for alternative foods other than green beans or first ask the doctor who does know about this.

30.  Dry Peas
Peas is effective to increase blood of patients with anemia. If you're on a diet, peas can be incorporated into your diet.

31.  Almonds
Almonds or almond seeds are rich in iron that can optimize the circulation of blood in the body. To meet daily iron requirement, you only need one ounce of almonds every day.
Or if all of the above foods you do not like because you are a fan of seafood? Maybe seafood following blood booster you can choose one of them.

32.  Shrimp
Seafood that is often invited pros and cons in the tongue of the people, especially when it enters the body. Most people are allergic to shrimp and while that which is not. Before you consume seafood blood booster this one, you'll want to know whether the body is sensitive to the shrimp.

33.   Fish Baronang
Perhaps you are not familiar with his name and perhaps have never seen it, obviously because it just quite difficult fish to be found in Indonesian waters (but it does not mean nothing).

Back to the topic, including seafood baronang fish that can increase red blood cells. If you are not the people who live in coastal areas, it is better to replace it with another blood booster seafood.

34.  Oysters and Shellfish
Although slight fishy smell, clams or oysters seafood is very suitable for consumption anemia.

35.  Salmon
It certainly salmon included in the list of food additive blood, because being a supplier of vitamin B12 is needed by patients with anemia. Another important role of Vitamin B12 in the body is the splitting of cells and keep the nervous system as well as the cell, and is necessary for the formation of DNA.

Another blood booster foods can be your choice is chicken breast, fish eggs, boiled soy beans, potatoes, dark chocolate (not sweet), brown rice, animal liver, chicken eggs, duck meat, goat meat, and fruit bits.

It is recommended that you do not eat all the food on at once, the better you vary or change-change on a daily basis. If you have problems deciding, ask your doctor's advice as well as the recommended amount. Do not be too too much to eat, because if there is any excess of its adverse effects on health.

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